Script that calculates STM images using the Bardeen approximation outlined in PRB 93 115434 (2016) and PRB 96 085415 (2017). The script is divided into 3 parts:
1. Calculation of the scattering states at the Fermi-energy on the same real space grid as TranSiesta (real-space cutoff). These are saved in DestDir/SystemLabel.A[LR][0-99].nc files and are reused if found. NEEDS: TranSiesta calculation.
2. Propagation of the scattering states from a surface (defined by a constant charge density) out into the vacuum region. After the x-y plane, where the average potential of the slice is maximum (the separation plane), is found, the potential is ascribed a constant value at this average. Saves the propagated wavefunctions at the separation plane in DestDir/[kpoint]/FD[kpoint].nc. NEEDS: and
3. Conductance calculation where the tip/substrate wavefunctions are displaced to simulate the conductance at different tip-positions. The k averaged STM image and the STM images of individual k points are saved in DestDir/
- Usage:
STM [options] DestinationDirectory
- Options:
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
First device atom (SIESTA numbering) [TS.TBT.PDOSFrom]
Last device atom (SIESTA numbering) [TS.TBT.PDOSTo]
- -e ENERGY, --Energy=ENERGY
Energy where scattering states are evaluated [0.0 eV]
- --eta=ETA
Imaginary part added to all energies (device and leads) [1e-06 eV]
- -l ETALEAD, --etaLead=ETALEAD
Additional imaginary part added ONLY in the leads (surface GF) [0.0 eV]
- -f FN, --fdf=FN
Input fdf-file for TranSIESTA calculations [./RUN.fdf]
- -s ISPIN, --iSpin=ISPIN
Spin channel [0]
- -p, --savePOS
Save the individual solutions as .pos files
- --shift
Shift current 1/2 cell in x, y directions
- --bulk
Use bulk in electrodes. The Hamiltonian from the electrode calculation is inserted into the electrode region in the TranSIESTA cell [TS.UseBulkInElectrodes]
- --nobulk
Use only self-energies in the electrodes. The full Hamiltonian of the TranSIESTA cell is used in combination with self-energies for the electrodes [TS.UseBulkInElectrodes]
- --scaleSigL=SCALESIGL
Scale factor applied to Sigma_L [default=1.0]
- --scaleSigR=SCALESIGR
Scale factor applied to Sigma_R [default=1.0]
- -u, --useSigNC
Use SigNCfiles [False]
- --SpectralCutoff=SPECTRALCUTOFF
Cutoff value for SpectralMatrix functions (for ordinary matrix representation set cutoff<=0.0) [default=0.0]
- -n NCPU, --nCPU=NCPU
Number of processors [1]
- -x NK1, --Nk1=NK1
k-points Nk1 along a1 [1]
- -y NK2, --Nk2=NK2
k-points Nk2 along a2 [1]
- -r RHOISO, --rhoiso=RHOISO
Density at the isosurface from which the localized- basis wave functions are propagated [default=0.001 Bohr^-3Ry^-1]
Manually shift the separation plane (>0 means away from the substrate) [default=0 Ang]
Sampling scale of wave functions in lateral plane. 1 means same real-space resolution as used in TranSiesta, while 2 means doubling of the lateral lattice constants, etc. [default=2]
- -t TOLSOLVE, --tolsolve=TOLSOLVE
Tolerance for the iterative linear solver (scipy.linalg.isolve.gmres) [default=1e-06]
- --savelocwfs
Save localized-basis wave functions.