Methods to calculate vibrations and e-ph couplings from SIESTA output
- usage:
Phonons [-h] [-c] [-r] [–CheckPointNetCDF CHECKPOINTNETCDF] [-s] [-F DEVICEFIRST] [-L DEVICELAST] [–FCfirst FCFIRST] [–FClast FCLAST] [–EPHfirst EPHFIRST] [–EPHlast EPHLAST] [–PBCFirst PBCFIRST] [–PBCLast PBCLAST] [–FCwildcard FCWILDCARD] [–OSdir ONLYSDIR] [-a] [-i ISOTOPES] [-x K1] [-y K2] [-z K3] [-g] DestDir
- positional arguments:
DestDir Destination directory
- optional arguments:
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
- -c, --CalcCoupl
Calculate e-ph couplings [default=False]
- -r, --Restart
Restart from a previous run [default=False]
Old NetCDF file used for restart [default=None]
- -s, --SinglePrec
Calculate e-ph couplings using single precision arrays [default=False]
First device atom index (in the electronic basis) [default=1]
Last device atom index (in the electronic basis) [default=1000]
- --FCfirst FCFIRST
First FC atom index [default=1]
- --FClast FCLAST
Last FC atom index [default=1000]
First atom index for which the e-ph. couplings are evaluated [default=FCfirst]
Last atom index for which the e-ph. couplings are evaluated [default=FClast]
For eliminating interactions through periodic boundary conditions in z-direction [default=1]
For eliminating interactions through periodic boundary conditions in z-direction [default=1000]
- --FCwildcard FCWILDCARD
Wildcard for FC directories [default=./FC*]
Location of OnlyS directory [default=./OSrun]
- -a, --AbsoluteEnergyReference
Use an absolute energy reference (Fermi energy of equilibrium structure) for displaced Hamiltonians (e.g., when eF is not well-defined) instead of the instantaneous Fermi energy for the displaced geometries, cf. Eq.(17) in PRB 75, 205413 (2007) [default=False]
- -i ISOTOPES, --Isotopes ISOTOPES
String, formatted as a list [[i1,m1],…], where the mass of atom index i1 (SIESTA numbering) will be set to m1. Alternatively, the argument can be a file with the string [default=[]]
- -x K1, --k1 K1
k-point along a1 where e-ph couplings are evaluated [0.0]
- -y K2, --k2 K2
k-point along a2 where e-ph couplings are evaluated [0.0]
- -z K3, --k3 K3
k-point along a3 where e-ph couplings are evaluated [0.0]
- -g, --WriteGradients
Write real-space gradients dH/dR to NetCDF [default=False]