Methods to calculate electron and phonon band structures from finite-difference calculations
- usage:
Bandstructures [-h] [–FCwildcard FCWILDCARD] [–OSdir ONLYSDIR] [-r RADIUS] [–AtomicMass ATOMICMASS] [-k KFILE] [-q QFILE] [-s STEPS] [–mesh MESH] [–sort] [–TSdir ONLYTSDIR] [–nbands NBANDS] DestDir
- positional arguments:
DestDir Destination directory
- optional arguments:
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
- --FCwildcard FCWILDCARD
Wildcard for FC directories [default=./FC*]
Location of OnlyS directory [default=./OSrun]
- -r RADIUS, --radius RADIUS
Force cutoff radius in Angstroms [default=0.0]
- --AtomicMass ATOMICMASS
Option to add to (or override!) existing dictionary of atomic masses. Format is a list [[anr1,mass1(,label)],…] [default=[]]
- -k KFILE, --kpointfile KFILE
Input file with electronic k-points to be evaluated [default=None]
- -q QFILE, --qpointfile QFILE
Input file with phonon q-points to be evaluated [default=None]
- -s STEPS, --steps STEPS
Number of points on path between high-symmetry k-points [default=100]
- --mesh MESH
Mesh sampling over one BZ (powers of 2) [default=[0,0,0]]
- --sort
Sort eigenvalues along k-mesh for nice plots? [default=False]
Location of TranSIESTA calculation directory (will ignore FC and OnlyS directories) [default=None]
- --nbands NBANDS
Number of electronic bands to be included in netCDF output (lower energy bands) [default=None]