Eigenchannels, see Paulsson et al. PRB 76, 115117 (2007)
- usage:
EigenChannels [-h] [-F DEVICEFIRST] [-L DEVICELAST] [-n NUMCHAN] [-B] [-M MOLSTATES] [-r RES] [-w FORMAT] [-e ENERGY] [–eta ETA] [-l ETALEAD] [-f FN] [-s ISPIN] [-x K1] [-y K2] [-u] [–bulk] [–nobulk] [–scaleSigL SCALESIGL] [–scaleSigR SCALESIGR] [–SpectralCutoff SPECTRALCUTOFF] DestDir
- positional arguments:
DestDir Destination directory
- optional arguments:
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
First device atom (SIESTA numbering) [default: TS.TBT.PDOSFrom]
Last device atom (SIESTA numbering) [default: TS.TBT.PDOSTo]
Number of eigenchannels [default: 4]
- -B, --BothSides
Calculate eigenchannels from both sides [default: False]
Calculate eigenstates of the device region Hamiltonian (Molecular Projected Selfconsistent Hamiltonian, MPSH) within [default: +/- 0.0] eV from Ef
- -r RES, --Res RES
Resolution [default: 0.4 Ang]
- -w FORMAT, --format FORMAT
Wavefunction format (macu, cube, XSF, or nc) [default: XSF]
- -e ENERGY, --Energy ENERGY
Energy where eigenchannel scattering states are evaluated [default: 0.0 eV]
- --eta ETA
Imaginary part added to all energies (device and leads) [default: 1e-06 eV]
- -l ETALEAD, --etaLead ETALEAD
Additional imaginary part added ONLY in the leads (surface GF) [default: 0.0 eV]
- -f FN, --fdf FN
Input fdf-file for TranSIESTA calculations [default: ./RUN.fdf]
- -s ISPIN, --iSpin ISPIN
Spin channel [default: 0]
- -x K1, --k1 K1
k-point along a1 [default: 0.0]
- -y K2, --k2 K2
k-point along a2 [default: 0.0]
- -u, --useSigNC
Use SigNCfiles [default: False]
- --bulk
Use bulk in electrodes. The Hamiltonian from the electrode calculation is inserted into the electrode region in the TranSIESTA cell [default: TS.UseBulkInElectrodes]
- --nobulk
Use only self-energies in the electrodes. The full Hamiltonian of the TranSIESTA cell is used in combination with self-energies for the electrodes [default: TS.UseBulkInElectrodes]
- --scaleSigL SCALESIGL
Scale factor applied to Sigma_L [default=1.0]
- --scaleSigR SCALESIGR
Scale factor applied to Sigma_R [default=1.0]
- --SpectralCutoff SPECTRALCUTOFF
Cutoff value for SpectralMatrix functions (for ordinary matrix representation set cutoff<=0.0) [default=0.0]