Phonon band structure for Au (see Examples/Phonon_bands/Au_FCC).

Lattice parameter a = 4.08 Å and a 6x6x6 repetition of the primitive cell. Main computational settings:

PAO.EnergyShift 0.01 Ry
PAO.BasisSize   DZP
XC.functional   GGA
XC.authors      PBE
MeshCutoff      500. Ry
MD.FCDispl      0.02 Ang


Band structure

electronic band structure

Desity of states

Density of states (DOS) sampled on a grid of 64x64x64 k-points:

electronic density of states


Band structure

Phonon band structure computed with different force cutoff radii r = 5.0, 7.0, 9.0 Å:

phonon band structure with force cutoff radii of 5.0 angstroms phonon band structure with force cutoff radii of 7.0 angstroms phonon band structure with force cutoff radii of 9.0 angstroms

Desity of states

Density of states (DOS) sampled on a grid of 64x64x64 k-points:

phonon density of states

Reference results

Lynn, J. W.; Smith, H. G. & Nicklow, R. M. Lattice-dynamics of gold, Phys. Rev B 8, 3493-3499 (1973).

reference phonon density of statesband structure